Friday, July 17, 2009

excuses, excuses

So I had this big plan to post something earlier in the week on office bullies. I even went to twitter and asked folks for their input. Got a great response from @Dr_Vee (thanks!). Checked out a website from the UK called too and there were some interesting tidbits there.

But that's as far as I got.

I have a bevy of excuses (e.g. too busy, don't feel well, etc.) but the truth is, I just didn't feel motivated to do it.

Mean people suck. They are a virus. They ruin morale and demotivate employees. The worst part is that these folks are rewarded for this behavior with promotions, raises and bonuses so the behavior continues (hey if it ain't broke, don't fix it) and sometimes gets worse (gotta take it up a notch to get that corner office).

I spend an inordinate amount of time as an HR person speaking with employees who are victims of office bullies. It's debilitating for an organization when one person can infect your culture with their aggressive behavior. Your organization should adopt "The No Asshole Rule" (taken from the book by Robert Sutton). If it doesn't, go somewhere else that does.

The end.

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